Crowns & Bridges

Crown & Bridges In Sarasota, Florida

At the office of  Lefton Family Dentistry we understand that missing and damaged teeth can negatively affect your lifestyle and your health. Therefore, we are proud to provide our patients with top-quality crowns and bridges to help restore the look and function of your smile.

When teeth are lost or severely damaged, it is crucial that any restoration looks, feels and functions as it should. Our team takes great pride in providing dental crowns and bridges that are built from porcelain, a material that offers outstanding functionality and a natural appearance.


A dental crown is an excellent solution for restoring the health of a single damaged or lost tooth. Crowns can be used to “cap” and support a severely damaged tooth, protect weak teeth, restore a worn or broken tooth, cover discolored or misshapen teeth, or cover a dental implant to act as a replacement tooth.


Dental bridges are an amazing way to fill gaps in your smile created by a series of lost teeth. These custom restorations can bring back your smile, enabling you to eat and speak properly, and preventing the remaining teeth from drifting out of their position. A dental bridge can anchor onto to your natural teeth or dental implants, imitating the appearance of natural teeth, and giving your face a proper shape (which may have been affected by tooth loss).

The treatment process of installing a bridge or crown begins with numbing the gums and teeth with local anesthesia. If a crown is being placed over an existing tooth, the damaged tissue is removed, and the tooth is prepared to allow the crow to fit. For a crown being placed over a missing tooth, it is anchored over a dental implant. A dental bridge is fitted in the mouth by anchoring it to the nearby natural teeth or dental crowns. The restorations are custom-made in a dental laboratory by taking impressions of your teeth.

Schedule your appointment by calling the office of Lefton Family Dentistry at (941) 365-3311 today. We are conveniently located at 1515 N Lockwood Ridge Rd. Sarasota, FL 34237

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