Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry In Sarasota, Florida

If you are unhappy with certain aspects of your smile, you are not alone. Our cosmetic dentistry services may be able to solve these issues and give you the smile of your dreams.

At Lefton Family Dentistry, we perform a careful evaluation of your oral health before suggesting the most suitable form of cosmetic treatment for your needs and budget.

Professional Teeth Whitening

One of our most sought-after cosmetic dental care treatments is professional teeth whitening. Our professional-strength, in-house whitening products are highly safe and effective, making your smile several shades whiter in a single sitting. A number of people try over-the-counter products to remove stains from their smile, but almost never see the results they want to, even after several sessions over a long period of time. Professional whitening treatments are administered under the expert supervision of our dental practitioners and can give you the results you desire for your smile, quickly and safely. They can help remove stains and discolorations caused by factors such as age, smoking, use of tobacco and certain food and drinks.


We also offer traditional porcelain and composite veneers to mask minor chips, cracks, gaps, uneven spacing, shape, or deep discolorations on your front teeth. A veneer is an extremely thin piece of composite resin or porcelain which can be fixed onto the front of your teeth to cover imperfections in your smile. These fixtures are custom made for you by taking impressions of your teeth. When placed by experienced dentists like ours, veneers give you a bright and beautiful smile that looks natural.

Cosmetic Dentistry at Lefton Family Dentistry

One of our key service areas is Cosmetic Dentistry. We believe that a beautiful smile plays an integral part in enhancing your overall appearance and boosting your self-confidence. Hence, at Lefton Family Dentistry, we offer a comprehensive range of cosmetic dentistry procedures catering to your unique needs and desires.

Experienced Dental Professionals

Our team of dental professionals has been proudly serving Sarasota, FL, and the surrounding areas since 1997. Our dentists are highly qualified and experienced, providing treatments that combine art and science to reshape, realign, and mold your teeth, giving you a radiant and natural-looking smile.

Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

Our cosmetic dentistry procedures range from teeth whitening, bonding, enamel shaping, and veneers, to more intricate procedures like crowns, bridges, orthodontics and dental implants. The goal is not only to enhance your smile but also to improve oral problems like bite, function, and overall dental health.

Teeth Whitening and Bonding

Teeth whitening is one of the most popular cosmetic dentistry procedures. It helps eliminate stains and discoloration, giving you a whiter, brighter smile. Bonding, on the other hand, can repair damaged, discolored, or decayed teeth using a material that resembles the color of tooth enamel.

Advanced Cosmetic Dental Procedures

For more advanced cases, dental crowns can be used to replace the exterior portion of a tooth to restore its original function and to create a natural appearance. Dental bridges, as the name suggests, bridge the gap created by one or more missing teeth. Dental implants provide a strong foundation for permanent or removable replacement teeth that are designed to match your natural teeth.

Schedule your appointment by calling the office of Lefton Family Dentistry at (941) 365-3311 today. We are conveniently located at 1515 N Lockwood Ridge Rd. Sarasota, FL 34237

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